Understanding Steps To Prosperity
Take it as if you have to make ten steps with your soul to actually reach your dreams. When you are in step one, you have attracted the much success in your life according to that step, when you move a step further then the other part of success gets attracted and so on and so forth until you actually reach your destiny.
Now what human beings are trained to do is stay on step one of the soul but actually pray so hard for blessings of step three. This is exactly what I used to do! While it seems like God is the one who is delaying in keeping His promise, it is actually us who delay in moving forward.
Remember Peter said in 2 Peter 3:9 (NLT), The Lord is not really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. Meditate on those words carefully. When you get the blessing of step three when you are actually in step one, it will destroy you. You will drift away from God and end up misusing the blessing instead of enjoying the blessing. In the end, you will finish it all and then come back crawling to God, filled with great guilt and shame and having wasted a lot of time. And remember Time Is The Most Valuable Gift, it is better for you to lose anything else in life but not Time.
Luke 15:11-32 Listen to The Story of The Prodigal Son very well because it is a clear description of begging God to actually give you the blessings too early and how the story goes. It says a son once asked his father for inheritance. This means that what he asked for, was actually his. The father probably wanted to give him in small bits as he grew and finally give him everything of course because it was indeed the child’s inheritance.
The child wanted a step ten blessing when he was actually in step one. Now how the father reacted here is the way that the Father in heaven shows us that He does not want to react because of how the story came to end. So the child took all the inheritance and went to a far country and actually squandered all of it recklessly. Instead of making any investments and enjoying the blessing in small portions, he squandered all of it! Later on, when everything had finished, All His Friends Left Him of course. This should teach you something about friends. If they Cannot Handle You at Your Worst Times, they Do Not Deserve to enjoy you in your joyful times.
So the son was forced to work as a hired hand for a pig farmer. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. One day, he came to his senses and returned to his father to beg him to take him back as a hired servant. Imagine! For him to think that his own father would take him as a slave shows how much guilt and shame he had. But his father was overjoyed to see him, took him lovingly and threw him a party. You have seen how much a blessing might as well break you into pieces if you are not ready for it. Take time and prepare yourself. Focus on your soul, improve it and you will see for yourself how the system works. It is God’s Very Own Words, and God Is Not a Man that He should lie, nor a Son of Man that He should change His mind Numbers 23:19. How He set the system is how it will work forever!