The Story of Job in the Bible is the Best Example to give when you want to talk or Learn about Wealth and Prosperity.
What does God think about Wealth and Prosperity?
Does God want us to Prosper?
Job 1:1 The story begins by saying, “There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who Feared God with reverence and abstained from and turned away from evil because he Honored God.
Job 1:2 Now we see what Job had because of how he was. Verse two introduces The Prosperity of Job. Now why did he introduce Prosperity? The writer could have just jumped to the conversation of the LORD and Satan. But he introduces Prosperity. To show a Very Powerful thing. Whatever you are, is whatever you have.
The writer says seven sons and three daughters were born to him. He also possessed 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke pairs of oxen, 500 female donkeys, and a very great number of servants, so that this man was the Greatest and Wealthiest and most respected of all men of the east northern Arabia.
To explain what I have just introduced. Whatever you are is whatever you have. John 1:2 Beloved, I pray in every way that you may Succeed and Prosper and be in good health physically just as your soul prospers spiritually. You prosper and succeed in every way just as your soul prospers. Make your Soul prosperous and you will see Prosperity, things falling into place without much struggle.
This does not mean embracing the Practice of Religion. Where people are commanded to obey laws or face punishment. This means knowing the truth, and the truth setting you free indeed. You are already holy, justified, sanctified and forgiven. Seated with Christ in heavenly places and given the earth to Posses, Rule and Reign. Believe that! Then live each day believing that, knowing that this is what Jesus Christ died for You to have. An abundant life is what he promised, and an abundant life means a fulfilling, joyous life. Believing you already have this is Making Your Soul Prosperous. Living in the spirit is what this life is. Fearing God and thanking him daily for the gift of righteousness while enjoying this abundant life, just like Job did. What is Real Will Prosper. The Soul that is Real Will Prosper.